Forming of motivation to educational-cognitive to activity of future teachers in the process of instrumental-carrying out preparation in terms of module-rating educating


  • Ірина Глазунова



instrumental-carrying out preparation, methods of activation of motivational sphere of student, module-rating educating


Glazunova I. K. Forming of motivation to educational-cognitive to activity of future teachers in the process of instrumental-carrying out preparation in terms of module-rating

In the article the results of experimental research of motivation forming methods to educational-cognitive activity of future teachers in the process of instrumental-carrying out preparation in the conditions of the module-rating educating are presented. A concept of «module» is considered as bases of module-rating organization of educational process and
module approach as one of types of the personality oriented approach in the process of educating art.


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How to Cite

Глазунова, І. (2015). Forming of motivation to educational-cognitive to activity of future teachers in the process of instrumental-carrying out preparation in terms of module-rating educating. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 18–25.



Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy