Professional preparation of the future foreign language teachers to forming communicative competence in secondary school pupils: program, methodology and results of the pilot research


  • Світлана Дуброва



the program and methodology of the pilot research, the dynamics and levels progress, professional future foreign language teachers’ preparation


Dudrova S. V. Professional preparation of the future foreign language teachers to forming communicative competence in secondary school pupils: program, methodology and results of the pilot research.

In the article we presented the aim, content, program, methodology of the pilot research and its results – the dynamics and levels progress of future foreign language teachers’ availability for forming communicative competence in secondary school pupils during pilot study.


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How to Cite

Дуброва, С. (2015). Professional preparation of the future foreign language teachers to forming communicative competence in secondary school pupils: program, methodology and results of the pilot research. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 36–43.



Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy