On the formation of pedagogical techniques of social work as a subject of socio-assisted activities


  • Елена Зритнева
  • Анна Коныгина




technologization, social and helping activities, social work, social technology, educational technologу


Zritneva E. I., Konygina A. V. On the formation of pedagogical techniques of social work as a subject of socio-assisted activities.

The authors consider the process of social work technologizing as a socially-assisted activities, including the formation of social technologies and scientific and practical training
of its species, developing itself in the social sphere and aimed at changing the social situation there. The article presents the specifics of social technologies of various forms and
types of socio-assisted activities, provide guidance for constructing a system of training of professionals in modern social sphere, development of pedagogical techniques of the
educational process of the social worker as a subject of socio-assisted activities.


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How to Cite

Зритнева, Е., & Коныгина, А. (2015). On the formation of pedagogical techniques of social work as a subject of socio-assisted activities. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 43–51. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v44i0.2649



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