The phenomenon of «context» in an interdisciplinary dimension


  • Вікторія Желанова



interdisciplinary analysis, context, context types, contextual learning


Zhelanova V. V. The phenomenon of «context» in an interdisciplinary dimension.

The article deals with the phenomenon of «context» in accordance with the phenomenology of linguistics (linguistic context), psycholinguistics (extralinguistic context), philosophy (individual semantic context), psychology (semantic context), education (professional context). It is proved that the concept of context in the modern scientific space has gone beyond its traditional linguistic and psycholinguistic understanding and received general scientific understanding and, in particular, psychological and pedagogical, interpretation. It was found out that an interdisciplinary understanding of the category context was synthesized in its definition as a pedagogical sense-category.


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How to Cite

Желанова, В. (2015). The phenomenon of «context» in an interdisciplinary dimension. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 343–348.


