Artistic and aesthetic taste of preschool children and especially its manifestation


  • Галина Лазаренко



is art-aesthetic taste, children of the senior preschool age, emotion, рerceptions, music


Lazarenko G. A. Artistic and aesthetic taste of preschool children and especially its manifestation.

In research questions of features of display of artly-esteticheskogo taste of children senior preschool age are revealed, namely: emotional reactions, requirement for perception fine, features of perception of surrounding and musical sounds. As it is revealed, that помагают to be shown to hudozhesvenno-aesthetic taste is musical-theatrical activity, performing and creative activity of preschool children.


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How to Cite

Лазаренко, Г. (2014). Artistic and aesthetic taste of preschool children and especially its manifestation. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 41, 224–228.



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