Vol. 41 (2014)
In this issue:
- Title page
- Competence of future teachers to conduct physical culture and sports-mass activities with students
- Stages of implementation of educational dialogue into the process of learning foreign languages by future miners
- Pedagogical conditions efficiency preparation of future foreign languages teachers
- The role of mentoring in the formation of personal and professional qualities of the future officers of the Highly mobile airborne troops
- Possibilities of Internet technologies in self-guided work of future engineers in learning a foreign language
- Levels and criteria of readiness of future teachers to professional mobility
- The motivation peculiarities to the studies of the students of higher educational establishment of the I-II level of accreditation
- Analysis of the results of the implementation of competence-based management model training for future high school teachers
- Pedagogical Conditions for Preparing Would-be Primary School Teachers for the Organization of the Group Forms of Learning
- The effect of the professional self-organization on the formation of professional pedagogical professionalism of future teachers
- Organization of independent work of future mining engineers universities
- Training of the future officers for educational work with staff in higher education
- The content and structure of self education students of technical schools
- Value Ukrainian professional terminology in formuvanniprofesiynoyi speech competence future specialist
- Using interactive teaching methods to prepare future teachers of foreign language tolerant communication activities
- Systematic monitoring in forming the availability of future geography teachersfor core (profile) education high school students as a necessary condition for the effectiveness of this process
- Formation of interactive didactic socio-cultural environment as a condition of self-identity students of colleges
- Forms of training for the forming of competences in programming
- Building professional knowledge of future technical translators
- Approach to English vocabulary learning by cadets of unspecialized High Schools
- Problems applying pedagogical modeling in the process of professional training of future marketing specialists
- Negative factors applying group forms of teaching and learning of students
- Pedagogical conditions of professional skills to students of environmental practices in the production process for use in their future activity
- The problem of the professional preparation of future designers in the system of the higher education
- Theoretical Issues formation modeling skills in students of higher economic education
- Design and engineering expertise are the training of future engineers
- To a problem of introduction of information and communication technologies in process of learning in Computer Science at secondary schools of Ukraine
- The typification and methods of development of newest history’s problem exercises
- Methodology of formation the management skills during the studying process of Chemistry among the students of the 7th form
- The Ways of Improving the Work of the After-School Program Teacher in Terms of the New Standard for Primary Education
- Economic knowledge in the content of its geographical and economic school education
- Artistic and aesthetic education of senior pupils by means of modern popular music
- Development of regional studies component in the content of geographical competence of primary school pupils
- Communicative competence of students in the context of contemporary issues of teaching Ukrainian
- Spiritual and human health: pedagogical aspect
- Organization career guidance in the «school – high school»
- Use of GIS technology in the training of future engineers
- Modernisation of Higher School of Ukraine in modern conditions to form a professional speech specialist philological profile
- Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the concept of “the ability to self-cognitive activity of students”
- Philosophical and educational concepts of inclusive education
- Review of dissertation researches on professional training future specialists of the hotel industry
- Corporate culture in the educational institutions
- Artistic and aesthetic taste of preschool children and especially its manifestation
- Competent approach to the Economic education system continuously
- Lingvodidactical potential of intercultural communication as a category of methods of teaching foreign languages
- Content of cultural urological component in training future teachers philological specialties
- The semioticapproach to professional training of the future teacher on music art to vocal pedagogical activity
- Professional interaction in the process of training foreign business activities
- The imperative of globalization perspectives – the formation of the professionally oriented foreign language educational environment in the conditions of university
- Pedagogical excellence of foreign language teachers in the educational process on the basis of innovative information technologies
- The problems of quality education of students with disabilities: legal aspect
- Implementation of methods of formation of readiness of future managers to use information technology in professional activities
- Optimization of the teaching of higher mathematics in the present conditions
- The development of ICT competence of engineers, teachers in universities of Ukraine
- Intonational nature of music in the context of choreographic art
- Teachers’ Training Process in Podillya Region On the Basis of Church School and Two-Years Educational Institutions (end of XIX – beginning of XX century)
- The experience of organization of research work at Ukrainian secondary schools in the second half of the twentieth century
- The Implementation of the Verbal and Graphic Teaching Methods in Pedagogical Heritage of S. Shevchenko
- «Lectures are to be read ...» (to the organization A. Stronina public readings in Poltava)
- Essence and structure of the phenomenon of «interpretational competence pedagogical college students»
- The development of the ideas of multicultural education in the context of international experience
- Analysis of the problem preparedness activities in psychological and educational literature
- Psychological barriers in intercultural communication
- Research of professional values based on methods «Square of values»
- Effect of educational environment on the socialization of personality of a future elementary school teacher and his image
- Assessing the Needs of the Target Group for Their Health-consciousnes
- Formation of the creative position of the future teachers of chemistry and biology during training
- Index
Full Issue
Title page
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 74 / PDF downloads 26
Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy
Competence of future teachers to conduct physical culture and sports-mass activities with students
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 111 / PDF downloads 221
Stages of implementation of educational dialogue into the process of learning foreign languages by future miners
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 97 / PDF downloads 109
Pedagogical conditions efficiency preparation of future foreign languages teachers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 105 / PDF downloads 120
Possibilities of Internet technologies in self-guided work of future engineers in learning a foreign language
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 106 / PDF downloads 111
Levels and criteria of readiness of future teachers to professional mobility
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 106 / PDF downloads 130
Pedagogical Conditions for Preparing Would-be Primary School Teachers for the Organization of the Group Forms of Learning
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 129 / PDF downloads 118
Organization of independent work of future mining engineers universities
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 121 / PDF downloads 102
Training of the future officers for educational work with staff in higher education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 122 / PDF downloads 104
The content and structure of self education students of technical schools
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 104 / PDF downloads 103
Value Ukrainian professional terminology in formuvanniprofesiynoyi speech competence future specialist
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 112 / PDF downloads 135
Using interactive teaching methods to prepare future teachers of foreign language tolerant communication activities
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 111 / PDF downloads 110
Formation of interactive didactic socio-cultural environment as a condition of self-identity students of colleges
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 113 / PDF downloads 115
Forms of training for the forming of competences in programming
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 110 / PDF downloads 115
Building professional knowledge of future technical translators
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 96 / PDF downloads 109
Approach to English vocabulary learning by cadets of unspecialized High Schools
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 102 / PDF downloads 106
Problems applying pedagogical modeling in the process of professional training of future marketing specialists
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 107 / PDF downloads 106
Negative factors applying group forms of teaching and learning of students
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 107 / PDF downloads 109
The problem of the professional preparation of future designers in the system of the higher education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 114 / PDF downloads 115
Theoretical Issues formation modeling skills in students of higher economic education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 121 / PDF downloads 109
Design and engineering expertise are the training of future engineers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 121 / PDF downloads 119
The typification and methods of development of newest history’s problem exercises
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 97 / PDF downloads 87
The Ways of Improving the Work of the After-School Program Teacher in Terms of the New Standard for Primary Education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 106 / PDF downloads 239
Economic knowledge in the content of its geographical and economic school education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 108 / PDF downloads 111
Artistic and aesthetic education of senior pupils by means of modern popular music
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 98 / PDF downloads 115
Development of regional studies component in the content of geographical competence of primary school pupils
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 117 / PDF downloads 108
Communicative competence of students in the context of contemporary issues of teaching Ukrainian
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 90 / PDF downloads 151
Current issues of education
Spiritual and human health: pedagogical aspect
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 110 / PDF downloads 110
Organization career guidance in the «school – high school»
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 143 / PDF downloads 118
Use of GIS technology in the training of future engineers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 107 / PDF downloads 98
Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the concept of “the ability to self-cognitive activity of students”
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 109 / PDF downloads 151
Philosophical and educational concepts of inclusive education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 93 / PDF downloads 105
Review of dissertation researches on professional training future specialists of the hotel industry
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 107 / PDF downloads 105
Corporate culture in the educational institutions
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 102 / PDF downloads 86
Artistic and aesthetic taste of preschool children and especially its manifestation
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 133 / PDF downloads 120
Competent approach to the Economic education system continuously
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 106 / PDF downloads 159
Lingvodidactical potential of intercultural communication as a category of methods of teaching foreign languages
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 141 / PDF downloads 104
Content of cultural urological component in training future teachers philological specialties
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 102 / PDF downloads 108
The semioticapproach to professional training of the future teacher on music art to vocal pedagogical activity
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 110 / PDF downloads 100
Professional interaction in the process of training foreign business activities
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 111 / PDF downloads 101
The problems of quality education of students with disabilities: legal aspect
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 103 / PDF downloads 109
Optimization of the teaching of higher mathematics in the present conditions
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 109 / PDF downloads 107
The development of ICT competence of engineers, teachers in universities of Ukraine
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 110 / PDF downloads 119
Intonational nature of music in the context of choreographic art
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 100 / PDF downloads 115
The Implementation of the Verbal and Graphic Teaching Methods in Pedagogical Heritage of S. Shevchenko
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 101 / PDF downloads 108
«Lectures are to be read ...» (to the organization A. Stronina public readings in Poltava)
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 95 / PDF downloads 113
Essence and structure of the phenomenon of «interpretational competence pedagogical college students»
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 99 / PDF downloads 121
The development of the ideas of multicultural education in the context of international experience
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 101 / PDF downloads 123
Analysis of the problem preparedness activities in psychological and educational literature
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 111 / PDF downloads 136
Psychological barriers in intercultural communication
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 128 / PDF downloads 143
Research of professional values based on methods «Square of values»
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 122 / PDF downloads 110
Assessing the Needs of the Target Group for Their Health-consciousnes
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 103 / PDF downloads 106
Formation of the creative position of the future teachers of chemistry and biology during training
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 104 / PDF downloads 109
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 65 / PDF downloads 25