Optimization of the teaching of higher mathematics in the present conditions


  • Антоніна Рибалко




higher school, teaching of higher mathematics, innovational methods and resources of training, information and computer technologies, application program packages


Rybalko А. P. Optimization of the teaching of higher mathematics in the present conditions.

The structure of learning process combining traditional and innovational methods and resources in teaching of higher mathematics is proposed in the article. The particular properties of the introduction of modern training technologies specific to the subject are considered. Ways to optimize the learning process are determined, the advisability of using of the corresponding methods in educational practice is justified.



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How to Cite

Рибалко, А. (2014). Optimization of the teaching of higher mathematics in the present conditions. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 41, 281–286. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v41i0.2920



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