The semioticapproach to professional training of the future teacher on music art to vocal pedagogical activity


  • Наталія Овчаренко



semiotics, semiotics approach, future musical art teacher


Ovcharenko N. A. The semioticapproach to professional training of the future teacher on music art to vocal pedagogical activity

Actual problem of applying semioticapproach to professional training of the future teacher on music art is discovered in this article. Scientific theoretic experience was analyzed relatively definition of basic terms of exploration and the theoretic aspects of semiotic approach in professional training of future teachers on music art were basided.


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How to Cite

Овчаренко, Н. (2014). The semioticapproach to professional training of the future teacher on music art to vocal pedagogical activity. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 41, 246–250.



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