The development of the ideas of multicultural education in the context of international experience


  • Вікторія Хребтова



multicultural education, multiethnical and multicultural society, cultural values, pluralism of cultures, multi-identical personality


Khrebtova V. V. The development of the ideas of multicultural education in the context of international experience.

The problem of the origin and perspectives of the development of multicultural education is elucidated, the position of the investigated issue in the modern pedagogics is analysed, the general pedagogic question of the essence of multicultural education is characterized and the specificity and principal stages of the development of multicultural education in compliance with the new educational paradigm are defined in the article.


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How to Cite

Хребтова, В. (2014). The development of the ideas of multicultural education in the context of international experience. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 41, 325–329.


