Improvement of the lexical skills of students in learning the Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)
professional communication, lexical competence, lexical error, training exercises, synonyms, paronyms, homonymsAbstract
Pasichna O. V. Improvement of the lexical skills of students in learning the Ukrainian language (for professional purposes).
In the paper the necessity of application of the system of training exercises to improve vocabulary skills of students in the field of professional communication is considered. The proposed system allows students to expand vocabulary and prevent the occurrence of lexical errors.
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How to Cite
Пасічна, О. (2014). Improvement of the lexical skills of students in learning the Ukrainian language (for professional purposes). Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 40, 84–90.
Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy
Copyright (c) 2014 Олена Пасічна
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