Skill formation of the correct situation awareness in the structure of professional reliability of flight crews


  • Ольга Кушнир



future pilots, professional reliability, non-technical skills, individual style of activity, mental activity management, situation awareness, the image of the flight


Kushnir O. А. Skill formation of the correct situation awareness in the structure of professional reliability of flight crews.

The paper outlines the rationale for the development and implementation of new pedagogical approaches to the training of future pilots – namely, learning the correct form of situation awareness. The concept of «situation awareness», its essence, the algorithm of formation and implications for professional reliability of crews is analyses.


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How to Cite

Кушнир, О. (2013). Skill formation of the correct situation awareness in the structure of professional reliability of flight crews. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 39, 222–227.



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