Formation of the future nurses` professional ethics in the educational process of medical college: methodological approaches


  • Олена Павлівна Rравченко Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine



professional ethics, future nurse, competence, cultural, axiological approaches


Kravchenko O. P. Formation of the future nurses` professional ethics in the educational process of medical college: methodological approaches.

The article determined competence, cultural, axiological approaches to   professional ethics of future nurses. Based on the above mentioned approaches structural and semantic model is proposed and a set of interrelated pedagogical conditions of formation of future nurses professional ethics in the educational process of medical college.


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Author Biography

Олена Павлівна Rравченко, Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine



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How to Cite

Rравченко О. П. (2013). Formation of the future nurses` professional ethics in the educational process of medical college: methodological approaches. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 218–221.



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