Methodological aspect of teaching methods in the history of Ukrainian schools of Galicia in the second half of XIX – the first third of the twentieth century


  • Тарас Михайлович Савшак Institute of Pedagogics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



methodological framework Reformed teaching, the teaching of history, education, methodology, national idea


Savshak T. M. Methodological aspect of teaching methods in the history of Ukrainian schools of Galicia in the second half of XIX – the first third of the twentieth century.

The paper established and developed methodological aspects of teaching methods in the history of Ukrainian schools of Galicia in the second half of the XIX – early XX century. The author defines the cultural and historical conditions of the Galician pedagogy in the survey period, indicates the influence of the ideas of the «new education».


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Author Biography

Тарас Михайлович Савшак, Institute of Pedagogics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Applicant for the Laboratory of Social Studies


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How to Cite

Савшак, Т. М. (2013). Methodological aspect of teaching methods in the history of Ukrainian schools of Galicia in the second half of XIX – the first third of the twentieth century. Educational Dimension, 38, 339–343.


