Improving the aesthetic culture of students during the interrelated studying Ukrainian and foreign literature (based on the special course "Topical issues of Ukrainian and foreign literature")


  • В. А Папушина Khmelnytsky National University



aesthetic culture, comparative analysis, highly literary works, individual tasks, group work, discussion


Papushina V. Improving the aesthetic culture of students during the interrelated studying Ukrainian and foreign literature (based on the special course "Topical issues of Ukrainian and foreign literature").

In the article there has been substantiated the meaning of special course «Topical issues of Ukrainian and Foreign Literature» for the forming of an aesthetic culture of students, there have been viewed forms and methods of increasing the aesthetic culture of students as based on the materials of the given special course, namely when studying I. Nechuy-Levitsky’s novel «Clouds» and I. Turhenyev’s collection of short stories «Hunter’s notes».


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Author Biography

В. А Папушина, Khmelnytsky National University

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintаnt Professor


1. Журавлев В. В. Мир художественной культуры / В. В. Журавлев. – М. : Мысль, 1987. – 237 с.
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3. Нечуй-Левицький І. Хмари. Над чорним морем: повісті / І. Нечуй-Левицький. – К. : Дніпро, 2004. – 552 с.
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5. Шевченко Г. П. Эстетическое воспитание в школе : [учебно-метод. пособие] / Г. П. Шевченко. – К. : Рад. школа, 1985. – 144 с.



How to Cite

Папушина, В. А. (2012). Improving the aesthetic culture of students during the interrelated studying Ukrainian and foreign literature (based on the special course "Topical issues of Ukrainian and foreign literature"). Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 36, 187–194.


