Self-education as a condition for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of technology


  • Т. В. Хріненко V. Vinnichenko Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University



competence, self-education, self-education activity, teacher of technology


Hrinenko T. Self-education as a condition for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of technology.

In the article the value of self-education activity of teacher of technologies is certain in forming of professional competence, maintenance of concept "self-education of teacher of technologies" is analysed.


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Author Biography

Т. В. Хріненко, V. Vinnichenko Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University

head of a sewing workshop


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How to Cite

Хріненко, Т. В. (2012). Self-education as a condition for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of technology. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 36, 412–415.


