Justification of the main functions of the model of scientific and methodological work in experimental secondary schools


  • Н. С. Хацаюк Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University




experimental secondary institution, scientific-methodical work, model, function


Hatsayuk N. Justification of the main functions of the model of scientific and methodological work in experimental secondary schools.

In this article the basic functions of scientific-methodical work organization model in experimental secondary institutions were theoretically substantiated. Scientific-methodical work organization model was proved to serve as an instrument for scientific-methodical work system improvement through its functions opening. Scientific-methodical functions were analyzed, which were revealed in the modern scientists’ works


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Author Biography

Н. С. Хацаюк, Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University



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How to Cite

Хацаюк, Н. С. (2012). Justification of the main functions of the model of scientific and methodological work in experimental secondary schools. Educational Dimension, 36, 481–487. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v36i0.3465


