Modern technical means of training as a component of the latest information technologies


  • Л. О. Лісіна Mining Technical School of Higher Educational Institution "Kryvyi Rih National University"
  • В. В. Ткачук Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools National Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine



technical training (TT), multimedia learning tools (MLO), information technology, digital devices, software


Lisina L. O., Tkachuk V. V. Modern technical means of training as a component of the latest information technologies.

This article, based on comparing and contrasting the different ways to implement the course «Technical means learning» a new approach of teaching the course for students teaching specialties. The author proposes to divide the course into two parts: hardware and software tools training.


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Author Biographies

Л. О. Лісіна, Mining Technical School of Higher Educational Institution "Kryvyi Rih National University"


В. В. Ткачук, Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools National Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine



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How to Cite

Лісіна, Л. О., & Ткачук, В. В. (2012). Modern technical means of training as a component of the latest information technologies. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 34, 274–280.



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