Problems of modern family and parents' unpreparedness for gender-role socialization of children


  • Т. П. Шклярова Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (Ukraine)



problems of modern families, gender-role socialization, educational opportunities, assistance to parents


Shklyarova T. P. Problems of modern family and parents' unpreparedness for gender-role socialization of children.

The article analyzes the educational potential of the modern family, and highlights some of the problems faced by modern parents. The areas, which deal with the research of this process, are examined; the analysis of the definitions of gender-role socialization in the scientific literature, such as psychological, sociological and pedagogical, is given.


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Author Biography

Т. П. Шклярова, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (Ukraine)



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How to Cite

Шклярова, Т. П. (2012). Problems of modern family and parents’ unpreparedness for gender-role socialization of children. Educational Dimension, 34, 342–348.



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