Acmeological conditions of harmonization of logical and emotional spheres of formation of professional skill of teachers of art disciplines
викладачі мистецьких дисциплін, акмеологічні умови, професійна майстерністьAbstract
In article conditions of harmonization of the logic and emotional parties of process of preparation of the future teachers of art disciplines are aonsidered. Are analysed axemological conditions of this process, ways of formation of professional skill of the future teachers of music are certain.
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2. Выготский Л. С. Психология искусства / Лев Семенович Выготский [сост. М. Г. Ярошевский]. – Р-н/Д.: Феникс, 1998. – 497.[1] c.
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4. Сисоєва С. О. Основи педагогічної творчості: підруч. для студ. вищ. пед.. навч. закл / С. О. Сисоєва – К.: Міленіум, 2006. – 346 с.
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How to Cite
Козир, А. В. (2011). Acmeological conditions of harmonization of logical and emotional spheres of formation of professional skill of teachers of art disciplines. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 32, 293–299.
Conditions and means of harmonization of intellectual and emotional aspects of p
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