Activization of attention of students dunng teaching conductor's-chorat discipllines


  • E.P. Pecherska South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky
  • Z.M. Koguhar Belgorod-Dniester Pedagogical School



music, vocational training of the teacher, creative imagination of the student, means of formation


The authors are considering the essence of imagination and a significance in the work of choirmaster. The contest and results of experimental work on activation of imagination of future teachers of music in process of teaching of conductor's chorol subjects have beck analyzed. The main principles of corresponding method and the ways of their realization have been defined as well.


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How to Cite

Pecherska, E., & Koguhar, Z. (2006). Activization of attention of students dunng teaching conductor’s-chorat discipllines. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 16(2), 15–25.