Theoretical and methodological basis of organizational culture in theory and practice management general educational institutions


  • Ганна Миколаївна Тимошко State Higher Educational Institution University of Educational Management National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine



organizational culture, organizational culture general educational institution, general manager organizational culture and educational institution, management activities


In the article the relevance of studying organizational culture focuses on the knowledge necessary features of the organizational culture of educational institution that will evaluate as stability schools, its competitiveness, suggest possible directions of management decisions and the ability to achieve planned results. Positioned phenomenon of «organizational culture manager» as a strategic management mechanism, allowing it to focus on competitiveness in a changing educational environment of society. Professional and cultural aspects common to all members of the educational process of modern school. Cultural pupil – is the product of the teaching staff; Cultural teacher – intelligent man for his highest spiritual essence, professional knowledge and creative and humane way of outlook and worldview; highly organized CEI heads with high organizational management culture – a person that fully implements the basic principles of education reform and encourages all participants in the educational process to present the status of the culture of the school.Mastering new management technology in school management is notpossible without understanding the socio-pedagogical foundations of organizational and cultural approach that provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution and functioning of educational institutions and management. Educational Institutions developing on its special, inherent only their internal laws, by its organizational culture which must be taken into account in the effective management of the institution. Organizational culture – a new area of knowledge, which is a series of management sciences. It is separated from the relatively new field of knowledge of organizational behavior, which studies common approaches, principles, laws and regularities in a particular organization and is part of the concept and phenomenon – culture management.


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Author Biography

Ганна Миколаївна Тимошко, State Higher Educational Institution University of Educational Management National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

Тимошко, Г. М. (2017). Theoretical and methodological basis of organizational culture in theory and practice management general educational institutions. Educational Dimension, 49, 177–189.


