Role of the visualization tools in independent work of students-philologists




independent work of student-philologist, visualization tools, Internet resources, multimedia, presentations, video materials, information and communication technologies


The article determines the role of visualization tools in the independent work of a student-philologist. It attempts to generalize the experience of using traditional and new visualization tools connected with the implementation of information and communication technologies in the learning process. The main focus is on the ability of students to use Internet resources and multimedia. The purpose of the article is to describe the psychological and pedagogical foundations and generalize the experience of using visualization tools in the independent work of a student-philologist. It has been proved that due to the electronic means of visualization, the emotional-figurative system of thinking is activating, the thought patterns are retaining in the long-term memory of the student-philologist, professional skills are forming, the level of computer literacy is increasing, and abilities to work with the program Microsoft PowerPoint are developing. Modern visualization tools offered by Internet resources expand the student's opportunities during the independent work, focus on the theatrical performance and screen adaptation of works, which is mandatory for textual study. The visual row is created in film images, it fixes them in memory of the student, transfers color of an era, enhances the impression and emotional-aesthetic perception. The presentation prepared by the student-philologist which created on bright visual images and sound design, activates the student during independent work, enriches imagination, forms a wide-ranging associative field, provides mobilization of complex thinking. The independent work is checked on consultations. Students implement the exchange of professional information on different subjects and such activity helps to facilitate its assimilation. The scientific and practical conference closes independent work, which presents the best materials independently acquired by students, whose goal is to generalize knowledge of the subject and to reveal the students' skills to compactly submit them with the help of multimedia presentation. Simple and complex means are singled out among the visualization tools; preference is given to the presentations, electronic audio and video materials, educational films and the screen version of works from curriculum that increase the efficiency of the independent work of a student philologist, influence his linguistic literacy, form a harmonious personality, that is ready for future pedagogical activity in accordance with the requirements of the time.


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Author Biography

Лариса Борисівна Стрюк, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. (Philology Sciences), Full Professor 


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How to Cite

Стрюк, Л. Б. (2017). Role of the visualization tools in independent work of students-philologists. Educational Dimension, 50, 85–91.


