Peculiarities of Teachers and Students Interaction in an Educational Process


  • Тетяна Борова
  • Олена Гончар



interaction, pedagogical interaction, dialogue interaction, teachers, students, teachers’ professional development


Borova Т. А., Gonchar H. V. Peculiarities of Teachers and Students Interaction in an Educational Process.
The article discusses peculiarities of teachers and students mutual cooperation in an educational process. The model of interrelation between teachers’ professional development and students learning level is grounded. The elements of teachers’ professional activity are 0distinguished. The basic factors of effective interaction between leaders, teachers and students in an educational process are characterized.


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How to Cite

Борова, Т., & Гончар, О. (2015). Peculiarities of Teachers and Students Interaction in an Educational Process. Educational Dimension, 44, 176–181.



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