Features of preparing and professional activity of teachers of technologies in the conditions of informatization of education


  • Станіслав Ткачук




teaching technology, technology of education, professional activities, informative education, information and communication technology, competence approach, person centered approach


Tkachuk S. І. Features of preparing and professional activity of teachers of technologies in the conditions of informatization of education.

In this article the features of training and professional work of teachers in terms of information technology education is shown, methodological potential of innovative technologies and their introduction during independent work of future specialists are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Ткачук, С. (2014). Features of preparing and professional activity of teachers of technologies in the conditions of informatization of education. Educational Dimension, 42, 80–86. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v42i0.2799



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