The formation of critical thinking at the lessons of the Russion language and literature as a basis for the development of innovate personality


  • Ніна Медведєва



critical thinking, new teaching technologies, innovate personality


Lisevich A. V., Medvedeva N. G. The formation of critical thinking at the lessons of the Russion language and literature as a basis for the development of innovate personality.

The article presents the techniques and methods of formation of critical thinking. It substantiates their influence on the development of innovate personality. The author also insists that the presence of critical thinking at the lessons, creative process, and creative environment are the important factors for the realization of the pedagogical creativity in the process of teaching.


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How to Cite

Медведєва, Н. (2014). The formation of critical thinking at the lessons of the Russion language and literature as a basis for the development of innovate personality. Educational Dimension, 40, 136–139.


