The role of the independent work of engineering students to prepare for the study of chemistry


  • Елла Вікторівна Часова Kriviy Rіg National University
  • Віталій Васильович Івчук Kriviy Rіg National University



independent work of students, quality of education, the modernization of education, the study of inorganic and organic chemistry


Chasova E. V., Ivchuk V. V. The role of the independent work of engineering students to prepare for the study of chemistry.

The paper deals with the concept «independent work», provides basic premises of students-engineers’ independent work during the preparation for study of chemistry. The author reveals the role, objectives, tasks and peculiarities of students' independent work in chemistry at the universities of technical profile.


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Author Biographies

Елла Вікторівна Часова, Kriviy Rіg National University

Ph.D. (Chemistry Sciences), Head of the Department of Chemistry

Віталій Васильович Івчук, Kriviy Rіg National University

Ph.D. (Biologocal Sciences), Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Часова, Е. В., & Івчук, В. В. (2013). The role of the independent work of engineering students to prepare for the study of chemistry. Educational Dimension, 38, 115–118.



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