General characteristics of social work in the Crimea (in the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth century)


  • Е. С. Сімакова Crimean Humanities University (Yalta)



social work, minor children, social institutions in Crimea from the second half of XIX century to the early XX century


Simakova E. S. General characteristics of social work in the Crimea (in the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth century)

The article analyzes the state of knowledge about the problem of social work in Crimea from the second half of XIX century to the early XX century and as well it gives its general characteristics, i.e. the creation and functioning of social institutions. The author describes the main working directions of district councils, schools, orphanages, institutions of guardianship and custody for minor children.


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Author Biography

Е. С. Сімакова, Crimean Humanities University (Yalta)



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How to Cite

Сімакова, Е. С. (2013). General characteristics of social work in the Crimea (in the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth century). Educational Dimension, 37, 469–473.


