Vol. 37 (2013)

- Title page
- Culture healthy lifestyle as an important component of future teachers
- Using project method in environmental preparing future professionals preschooleducation
- Diagnosing the level of students’ readiness in the economic university to creativeself-realization in their future professional activity
- Lingvodidactic basis of perspective specialists’ language training
- The use of innovative technology in the preparation of future teachers in Pedagogical Universities
- Forming of a complete worldview of future teachers of foreign literature by means of historical and literary disciplines
- Seminars and workshops for development of creative abilities of Students of non-philological profile concerning professional communication on specialty
- Dialogic concept of human-cultural education in psychology and teachers’training faculty
- The administrative competence as a necessary condition of professionalism of manager of education
- The formation of the professional competence of the future elementary school teacher by the facilities of innovative pedagogical techniques
- Teaching cadets of higher military educational institutions professionally-oriented listening comprehension
- Preparation of future educators to form logical and mathematical concepts of children of the advanced preschool age
- Competence approach in the design of purpose of training of language teaching
- Experimental research of activation of students’ knowledge and cognitive activity in the process of working with dictionaries
- Experimental efficiency checking of the methods aimed at forming professional lingvodidactic competence of the future masters of philology
- The model of the formation of the management competence of future officers of fire safety in the process of their professional training
- Algorithmic mathematical competence: theoretical and methodological basis for the formation, structure and levels
- Using the technologies of the cooperative teaching during laboratory employments of natural (to zoology) at higher school
- Dialogization of education during practical exercises and seminars of future teachers of philological specialties as a condition of the formation of didactic competence.
- Didactic model of formation of students’ information and comunication competencies in the process of studying the psychological and pedagogical disciplines
- The training of future teachers with specialization «The Christian ethics»
- The principles of training students of agrarian specialities for professional communication in foreign linguistic environment
- Nature and features methodically preparing future teachers to work in innovative processes in school social science education
- Information and communication pedagogical environment of modern higher educational institution as means of forming future specialists’ professionalism
- Improvement of pedagogical skills of teachers of a foreign language in reference to training process, based on innovative information technologies
- Activity-practical component in the structure of professional and personal experience of future music teachers
- The influence of value orientations to formation of image of future teacher
- Using projects in the training of future specialists preschool education
- Тhe formation of professional ideology of the future lecturer of foreign literature as aim and social significant result of his specialized preparation in high education establishment
- Professional culture of teacher as a condition of self-actualization of educator
- Process aspects concerning formation of students’ history-and- pedagogy culture
- The content of future lecturer psychology-pedagogical preparation to professional creative activity
- Didactic conditions of formations of pedagogical culture of the future music teachers
- Organizational and pedagogical conditions of influence of the objective and methods competence of teachers of Social Science disciplines on the formation of social science skills of students
- Analyses of learning motivation as a basis for learning and cognitive activity of students
- Activization of cognitive activity of future primary school teachers
- Organization of practice as a key factor in the formation of cognitive activity of students of pedagogical specialties
- To the definition of notion «interethnic tolerance» in the process of training of future teachers
- Perspectives of chemical education in universities of technical profile
- Organization as one of the main important professional qualities of health worker
- Pedagogical conditions of future teachers of preschool education to work with children with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system
- The content of training of tourism specialists in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and Ukraine: comparative analysis
- Methodological preconditions of understanding of value-semantic consciousness essence in space of student-centered lesson
- Combination of intellectual and emotional aspects of students of basic school in the process of study of science education as preserving health factor
- Methods for working teaching how to work with concepts on the lessons of informatics
- conomic training of senior pupils in the process of profile technology education
- Theoretical bases of training of intellectually gifted pupils of primary school
- Formation of the creative person Junior schoolboy means ТРВЗ-technologies at the lessons of the literacy training
- Formation of sensual culture of basic school students in the process of study of literature
- Trends in local history education in the content of methodological recommendations for teachers of secondary schools for the purposes of formation of creative activity of basic school students in the tourism and local history work
- Essence and features musical perception of pupils in music
- Types of exercises to prepare students for writing essays
- Socialization of personality of primary school child in a collective and inthelearning environment
- Conceptual foundations of the model of optimization of speech self-expression at pre-school educational establishments
- Forming speech at the preschooler with special needs through the prism of humanistic paradigm of education
- Training of educators for personal development of preschooler by means of music arts
- Modern approaches to forming of culture of paternity in cooperating of preschool educational establishment with a young family
- Creation of the normative-legal framework preschool of education of Ukraine (2000-2012 years)
- Activation of future teachers’ cognitive activities in the process of learning foreign languages
- Using Children’s Literature in the process of training retelling of preschool children
- Didactic characteristics of the effective organization of control future economists mathematical training
- Forming creative approach to teaching
- The features of parents’ pedagogisation of preschool children
- Linguistic situation of the south-east region and taking into consideration it’s influence on to the process of education of preschool children of the Ukrainian language
- Condition of teaching the Ukrainian language in secondary schools of the Crimean Autonomous Republic
- Innovative ways of forming the self-educational competence of students in the educational process of a pedagogical university
- Osobennosti formings of corporate personality qualities of students by facilities of physical education
- Specificity of the principle of continuity in teaching of children of preschool and primary school age
- Scientific schools as a source of development of corporate culture in pedagogical university
- The problem of continuity preschool and primary education
- Game emotional activity training as educational technology
- Training future teachers communicative activities in the educational process of high school
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of forming of students’ communicative skills while learning psychological and pedagogical disciplines
- Fundamentals of professional knowledge of future software engineers by means of information and communication technologies
- Corporate human resource development as a factor of personal improvement
- Interaction of preschool academic institution with a family raising a child with special needs
- Features of situational negative phenomena prevention in the behavior of older preschoolers
- International conception of multicultural education
- Methodology of word-centerism to children's language education in the works of French philosophers of the twentieth century
- Independence is an important component of art conducting of future music teachers
- An integration of scientific and research and educational work in the process of future teachers’ university training as modern pedagogical problem
- Scientific and pedagogical thought about the relationship of moral and aesthetic
- The interaction of family and educational institutions in the socialization in childhood
- Terms of providing of equal starting possibilities of receipt of pre-school education
- Learning of special course «Basics of scientific organization of students’ academic work» as a condition of the effectiveness of educational process
- Forming preschoolers valuable attitude to their basic duties as psycho-pedagogical problem
- Features of moral regulation of relations between participants of educational process in pre-school
- Trends and prospects of transforming pre-school education in the modern educational environment in Ukraine
- Realization of technologies of civil education of students in a educate process in higher education
- Lingua franca as the economic category
- Music teacher in preschool of new formation: technological aspects
- Metodological basis of the Fridrich Frobel’s pedagogical system
- Technology education gender V. Sukhomlinsky
- School teaching literature in the period of reconstruction and improvement of the Sovietmodel of education in the USSR (1944–50’s)
- Professional business communication: the development of the concept
- The cultural and educational environment as the objective component of spiritual and moral education of the individual (in the works of native teachers late XIX – early XX century)
- The influence of F. Froebel’s ideas on the development of social childcare in the USA
- The development of the system of maternal and child health in Ukraine in the 1920–40th
- Music education in the structure of teacher training in Chernihiv (early twentieth century)
- Оnthology of innovation and technological processes in high school
- General characteristics of social work in the Crimea (in the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth century)
- Development of imperial universities as a sociocultural factor of establishing of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine
- A Musical and Pedagogical profile S. Mokranyat’s in the context of music education Serbia
- Elucidative to activity of Large monastery in Ukraine (XVII– XVIIІ in.)
- Retrospective review of the periodic publication the «Humanization of training-educate process» (1996-2000 years) on the issues of labor and ecological education with schoolchildren
- Content
Title page
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 88 / PDF downloads 29
Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy
Culture healthy lifestyle as an important component of future teachers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 127 / PDF downloads 99
Using project method in environmental preparing future professionals preschooleducation
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 125 / PDF downloads 99
Lingvodidactic basis of perspective specialists’ language training
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 134 / PDF downloads 103
The use of innovative technology in the preparation of future teachers in Pedagogical Universities
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 116 / PDF downloads 247
Forming of a complete worldview of future teachers of foreign literature by means of historical and literary disciplines
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 114 / PDF downloads 110
Dialogic concept of human-cultural education in psychology and teachers’training faculty
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 113 / PDF downloads 111
The administrative competence as a necessary condition of professionalism of manager of education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 111 / PDF downloads 101
Teaching cadets of higher military educational institutions professionally-oriented listening comprehension
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 188 / PDF downloads 118
Preparation of future educators to form logical and mathematical concepts of children of the advanced preschool age
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 118 / PDF downloads 263
Competence approach in the design of purpose of training of language teaching
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 114 / PDF downloads 108
Algorithmic mathematical competence: theoretical and methodological basis for the formation, structure and levels
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 117 / PDF downloads 151
Using the technologies of the cooperative teaching during laboratory employments of natural (to zoology) at higher school
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 117 / PDF downloads 104
The training of future teachers with specialization «The Christian ethics»
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 127 / PDF downloads 88
Activity-practical component in the structure of professional and personal experience of future music teachers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 122 / PDF downloads 143
The influence of value orientations to formation of image of future teacher
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 134 / PDF downloads 104
Using projects in the training of future specialists preschool education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 121 / PDF downloads 138
Professional culture of teacher as a condition of self-actualization of educator
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 122 / PDF downloads 92
Process aspects concerning formation of students’ history-and- pedagogy culture
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 101 / PDF downloads 104
The content of future lecturer psychology-pedagogical preparation to professional creative activity
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 117 / PDF downloads 88
Didactic conditions of formations of pedagogical culture of the future music teachers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 111 / PDF downloads 92
Analyses of learning motivation as a basis for learning and cognitive activity of students
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 121 / PDF downloads 99
Activization of cognitive activity of future primary school teachers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 133 / PDF downloads 98
Organization of practice as a key factor in the formation of cognitive activity of students of pedagogical specialties
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 123 / PDF downloads 96
To the definition of notion «interethnic tolerance» in the process of training of future teachers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 112 / PDF downloads 119
Perspectives of chemical education in universities of technical profile
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 110 / PDF downloads 94
Organization as one of the main important professional qualities of health worker
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 115 / PDF downloads 98
Methodological preconditions of understanding of value-semantic consciousness essence in space of student-centered lesson
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 114 / PDF downloads 100
Methods for working teaching how to work with concepts on the lessons of informatics
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 122 / PDF downloads 98
conomic training of senior pupils in the process of profile technology education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 121 / PDF downloads 100
Theoretical bases of training of intellectually gifted pupils of primary school
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 119 / PDF downloads 97
Formation of the creative person Junior schoolboy means ТРВЗ-technologies at the lessons of the literacy training
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 120 / PDF downloads 138
Formation of sensual culture of basic school students in the process of study of literature
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 110 / PDF downloads 93
Essence and features musical perception of pupils in music
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 194 / PDF downloads 84
Types of exercises to prepare students for writing essays
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 141 / PDF downloads 518
Socialization of personality of primary school child in a collective and inthelearning environment
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 155 / PDF downloads 327
Current issues of education
Conceptual foundations of the model of optimization of speech self-expression at pre-school educational establishments
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 120 / PDF downloads 132
Forming speech at the preschooler with special needs through the prism of humanistic paradigm of education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 141 / PDF downloads 245
Training of educators for personal development of preschooler by means of music arts
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 140 / PDF downloads 116
Creation of the normative-legal framework preschool of education of Ukraine (2000-2012 years)
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 148 / PDF downloads 122
Activation of future teachers’ cognitive activities in the process of learning foreign languages
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 123 / PDF downloads 98
Using Children’s Literature in the process of training retelling of preschool children
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 109 / PDF downloads 126
Didactic characteristics of the effective organization of control future economists mathematical training
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 115 / PDF downloads 96
Forming creative approach to teaching
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 114 / PDF downloads 107
The features of parents’ pedagogisation of preschool children
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 149 / PDF downloads 186
Condition of teaching the Ukrainian language in secondary schools of the Crimean Autonomous Republic
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 113 / PDF downloads 93
Osobennosti formings of corporate personality qualities of students by facilities of physical education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 91 / PDF downloads 89
Specificity of the principle of continuity in teaching of children of preschool and primary school age
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 117 / PDF downloads 161
Scientific schools as a source of development of corporate culture in pedagogical university
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 103 / PDF downloads 100
The problem of continuity preschool and primary education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 95 / PDF downloads 111
Game emotional activity training as educational technology
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 100 / PDF downloads 98
Training future teachers communicative activities in the educational process of high school
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 129 / PDF downloads 106
Corporate human resource development as a factor of personal improvement
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 97 / PDF downloads 96
Interaction of preschool academic institution with a family raising a child with special needs
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 114 / PDF downloads 100
Features of situational negative phenomena prevention in the behavior of older preschoolers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 112 / PDF downloads 208
International conception of multicultural education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 86 / PDF downloads 123
Independence is an important component of art conducting of future music teachers
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 89 / PDF downloads 132
Scientific and pedagogical thought about the relationship of moral and aesthetic
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 103 / PDF downloads 91
The interaction of family and educational institutions in the socialization in childhood
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 88 / PDF downloads 127
Terms of providing of equal starting possibilities of receipt of pre-school education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 93 / PDF downloads 94
Forming preschoolers valuable attitude to their basic duties as psycho-pedagogical problem
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 92 / PDF downloads 88
Features of moral regulation of relations between participants of educational process in pre-school
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 99 / PDF downloads 108
Trends and prospects of transforming pre-school education in the modern educational environment in Ukraine
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 97 / PDF downloads 103
Realization of technologies of civil education of students in a educate process in higher education
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 98 / PDF downloads 88
Lingua franca as the economic category
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 146 / PDF downloads 96
Music teacher in preschool of new formation: technological aspects
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 102 / PDF downloads 147
Metodological basis of the Fridrich Frobel’s pedagogical system
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 99 / PDF downloads 146
Technology education gender V. Sukhomlinsky
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 119 / PDF downloads 205
Professional business communication: the development of the concept
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 98 / PDF downloads 122
The influence of F. Froebel’s ideas on the development of social childcare in the USA
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 97 / PDF downloads 127
The development of the system of maternal and child health in Ukraine in the 1920–40th
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 111 / PDF downloads 126
Music education in the structure of teacher training in Chernihiv (early twentieth century)
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 101 / PDF downloads 91
Оnthology of innovation and technological processes in high school
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 100 / PDF downloads 98
General characteristics of social work in the Crimea (in the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth century)
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 101 / PDF downloads 85
Development of imperial universities as a sociocultural factor of establishing of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 103 / PDF downloads 124
A Musical and Pedagogical profile S. Mokranyat’s in the context of music education Serbia
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 102 / PDF downloads 100
Elucidative to activity of Large monastery in Ukraine (XVII– XVIIІ in.)
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 105 / PDF downloads 104
- PDF (Українська) Abstract views 60 / PDF downloads 23