Methodology of word-centerism to children's language education in the works of French philosophers of the twentieth century


  • О. Б. Полєвікова Kherson State University



word-centerism, language education, French philosophers of the twentieth century


Polevikova O. B. Methodology of word-centerism to children's language education in the works of French philosophers of the twentieth century.

The author of the article examines the development of views on  language nature and function in the works of French philosophers of the twentieth century as the methodological basis of word-centerism approach to language education and speech development of preschool and primary school aged children.


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Author Biography

О. Б. Полєвікова, Kherson State University

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintаnt Professor


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How to Cite

Полєвікова, О. Б. (2013). Methodology of word-centerism to children’s language education in the works of French philosophers of the twentieth century. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 37, 364–369.



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