The influence of СOVID-19 pandemic on the level of interpersonal of youth


  • Світлана Дрібас Криворiзький державний педагогiчний унiверситет
  • Анастасія Римша



пандемiя, СOVID-19, дистанцiйна форма навчання, комунiкацiя, мiжособистiснi вiдносини, студентська група, юнаки.


This article highlights the definition of interpersonal
relationships, their functions and influence on the activity of a personality.
The role of communication and its importance are formulated, the
problem of interpersonal relationships among youth is disclosed, the
issue of relationships within student groups in particular. With regard
to the current everyday-life difficulties, the main goal of this article is to
research СOVID-19 pandemic’s influence on the level of interpersonal
relationships among students before quarantine restrictions and after.
Therefore, the empirical research among the students was held by the
means of questionnaire. This article presents and analyses the results
of the experiment connected to the understanding of the СOVID-19
pandemic’s influence on the level of interpersonal relationships of youth.


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Author Biographies

Світлана Дрібас, Криворiзький державний педагогiчний унiверситет

кандидат психологiчних наук,
старший викладач кафедри загальної та вiкової психологiї

Анастасія Римша

фiзико-математичний факультет
Криворiзький державний педагогiчний унiверситет



How to Cite

Дрібас, С. ., & Римша, А. (2022). The influence of СOVID-19 pandemic on the level of interpersonal of youth. Actual Problems of Psychology in Educational Institutions, 12, 63–71.



Розділ IV