Myths of critical thinking




critical thinking, myths, stereotypes, arguments, reasons, conclusions


The paper is devoted to the analysis of certain prejudices that obscure a correct understanding of the critical thinking. We outline some possible ways of overcoming these prejudices. More specifically, we consider what can be called: (1) the Myth about the connection of critical thinking and dissatisfaction of everybody and everything; (2) the Myth regarding trust to the experts; (3) the Myth of the absence of rules of evidence, which makes them uncertain; (4) the Myth about the credibility of the facts; (5) the Myth of total treason; (6) the Myth of innate critical thinking.
We argue that for a successful development of the critical thinking one has to struggle with the belief in authority and to posses an excessive trust to the facts. To acquire the critical thinking skills, one needs self-respect and control over the culture of thinking, an ability to verify the conceptual basis of judgments and conclusions, an ability to use balanced arguments and proven facts. Elaborating these properties depends only and exclusively on the desire to develop them and on internal self-control.


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Author Biography

Natalia Borodina, Odesa National Polytechnic University

Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Odesa National Polytechnic University
Shevchenko ave., 1


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How to Cite

Borodina, N. (2018). Myths of critical thinking. Actual Problems of Mind, (19), 185–198.

