Sentence-wish as a communicative-pragmatic advertising message activator


  • Олександра Юріївна Арешенкова Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



advertising, advertising text, mass communication, advertising communication, language means of influence, addressing


This thesis makes an attempt to define and describe the basic communicative pragmatic features of modern advertising. Advertising communication tends to shorten the use of the language means. This characteristic explains the deliberate usage of such linguistic constructions that primarily influence the potential consumer. The role of advertising has increased in the modern world. Its strengthening intensifies the interest in the study of this social phenomenon among the scientists in various fields. The relevance of the study is obvious due to the fact that the issues of verbal influence on the recipient remains unexplored in modern Ukrainian linguistics. The thesis identifies and examines the basic communicative pragmatic and stylistic parameters of Ukrainian text advertising, including the methods and the expressions of direct addressing, accentuations types and functions, the role of assessment in effect creating communicative impact on the recipient.

Advertising is a special kind of mass communication, mainly oriented to persuade, influence or force the recipient to choose (buy) the object of advertising. The important communicative feature of the advertising text is that it informs the potential customer about new products / services, and in the same time it mainly aims to implement the pragmatic setup to buy or use the advertising product. This research demonstrates the schematic model of a communicative act between the sender of the advertising message and the recipient. It also defines the basic communicative characteristics of advertising texts. According to the content advertising messages can be distinguished into 3 types: specific, pragmatic and convincing texts. As for the way of information presenting advertising messages are divided into clear and concise texts. The main form of advertising texts is commercial ads with informative, convincing and reminding functions. In advertising the category of addressing allows to install and maintain the contact with a customer, effectively convince and induce a potential consumer to perform certain actions, referred to the advertising message. Pragmatic setup of the advertisement is implemented mainly through the incentive, interrogative, optative, vocative sentences.


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Author Biography

Олександра Юріївна Арешенкова, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

kandydat filolohichnykh nauk, fakhivets I katehorii navchalno-metodychnoho viddilu


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How to Cite

Арешенкова, О. Ю. (2017). Sentence-wish as a communicative-pragmatic advertising message activator. Philological Studies: The Scientific Publication of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 16, 263–270.



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