Educational aspects of training of future teacher of primary school


  • Віта Вадимівна Садова Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



vocational and pedagogical training, future teacher of primary school, curriculum of pedagogical disciplines, learning activities, logical and empirical cohesion


The results of the scientific study in the field of didactics in higher education are represented in the article, the range of theoretical and practical issues connected with the essential increase in the effectiveness of training of future teachers of primary school. Theoretical framework is developed on the base of philosophical and general didactic grounding of the issue of the formation of the curriculum of pedagogical education and the particular characteristics of vocational pedagogical training of a future teacher of primary school are reflected, author’s definition of the notions given.This article may be of great help for scientists studying issues of didactics of higher educational establishments, teachers of pedagogical disciplines, post graduate students, future teachers of primary schools and other representatives of the pedagogical environment.


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Author Biography

Віта Вадимівна Садова, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintent Professor 


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How to Cite

Садова, В. В. (2017). Educational aspects of training of future teacher of primary school. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 49, 84–92.


