Особенности мотивации ценностного отношения к будущей профессии в учебной деятельности студентов психологического профиля


  • Олена Анатоліївна Шолох National University"Chernihiv Collegium" Shevchenko




academic motivation, student’s personality, the quality of vocational training, meaningful impact on motivation


The paper presents the basic principles of academic motivation forming to future careers. We characterize modern scientific views on the issue of students’
motivation for a successful future career building in psychological profiling. The article identifies motivational influences that affect the levels of prospective
specialist willingness to practice. Motivation of educational activity is an important component of any technology education. It depends on the ability of education stakeholders to work together, development and formation of individual’s active life position, and as a result – the quality of education. Taking into account the motivational factors of students’ learning activities there is a prerequisite for improving the quality of vocational training of the students as future professionals. This is due to the fact that today's society demands from a person understanding of an ongoing choice, assuming of responsibility for the life, continuous learning, personal and professional level improvement, solution of the problems concerning life goals and values setting to obtain higher professional education.Problems with psychology skills development is that, apart from knowledge and practical skills acquisition, there is a necessity of carrying out work on targeting. That sufficient level of a future psychologist training is possible on condition a certain level of development and fulfillment of his personality is reached. The motivational factors of students’ learning activities are a prerequisite for improving the quality of students’ vocational training, their becoming prospective specialists which results in the formation of a graduate’s individuality.


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Author Biography

Олена Анатоліївна Шолох, National University"Chernihiv Collegium" Shevchenko



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How to Cite

Шолох, О. А. (2017). Особенности мотивации ценностного отношения к будущей профессии в учебной деятельности студентов психологического профиля. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 49, 379–391. https://doi.org/10.31812/pedag.v49i0.1242


