Development of the idea of tolerance of pupils in national pedagogical thought (second half of xx – beginning of xxi centuries): the problem of periodization
толерантність, виховання, інтернаціоналізм, гуманізм, періодизація педагогічної думкиAbstract
The article analyzes the idea of tolerance of students in the national educational thought of the second half of the XX-XXI centuries and sets periods of its development. Overall 3 periods are allocated: The first period (50-80s of the twentieth century) – development of the idea of tolerance within the international education of the Soviet period. International education was one of the main directions of the ideological work of the pupils and one of the important parts of Soviet pedagogy, while its components were very controversial. The second period (90s of the twentieth century) – the development of tolerance in the process of humanization and democratization of the educational process. Scientists of the 90s considered that the core qualities of the individual were spirituality, national identity, citizenship, creativity. At this time, the formation of a new paradigm of education begins, which vectors can be considered universal values (spirituality) and national values (national identity, citizenship). It is among these universal values and national the prominent place belongs to tolerance. The third period (beginning of the XXI century – Present day) – activation of the implementation of ideas of tolerance in the training and education of youth, the restructuring of the educational policy of Ukraine in view of European integration processes. Pedagogical research of the XXI century suggest that one of the areas where most needed of forming attitudes and norms of tolerant behavior is the education system that fosters education responsive and responsible citizens open to accept other cultures, able to appreciate the freedom, respect for human dignity and individuality. Appeals to the modern scientific papers show that by examining the process of tolerance, researchers focus on its particular species (international, ethnic, etc.) or in a certain age category of students.
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