Motivational expediency of using Internet resources during teaching English to students programmers


  • Ганна Миколаївна Шалацька Kryvy Rih National University



Internet resource, communicative competence, distancelearning course, information technology, independent work, video, information space, motivation


Research objective is to outline possibilities of using Internet resources in teaching English to students programmers as incentives for natural speaking in the conditions of learning process on the topics relatedto the field of information technologies, which would cause interest, contributed to the motivations of obtaining necessary knowledge and to the professional growth of future experts. The article considers the possibility of using Internet resources in the process of teaching English to students-programmers.Examples of educational platforms that presented distance learning courses designed for students of specialty«Information Technology» are given.The article deals with educational platformsuch as FutureLearn, Coursera, Udacity, EDX and Codecademy. The main methods of implementation into the learning process of materials and the results obtained during passing of the course.It is specified ways of expansion of the students’ professional interests and motivation their individual work in a foreign language while watching authentic video records, and further work with new vocabulary. Use of Internet resources has to be methodically competent and caused by the training purpose. Benefits of teaching English with the use of Internet resources are the following: firstly an opportunity to improve communicative competence of students programmers on the basis of various topics the distance educational courses; secondly an intensification of the educational process, to obtain the maximum amount of information from experts in the field of information technology; thirdly an opportunity to control acoustical perception by video materials, due to viewing video with subtitles; and finally to gain experience of intercultural communication. Thus teaching English using Internet resources, that we have considered increases the motivation of students, causes them to have the feeling of success when they are able to understand the material, while addressing a native speaker, and reach an understanding of mastering a foreign language. Prospects of further researches of this scientific and methodical problem are defined.The conditions of using, development of tasks and requirements can become the subject of further research towards the improvement of the process of learning a foreign language.


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Author Biography

Ганна Миколаївна Шалацька, Kryvy Rih National University

Ph.D. (Philological Sciences), Assistent Professor 


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Сomputerphile [Електронний ресурс]. –Режим доступу:

Courses [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :

Сourses [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :

Online courses [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :



How to Cite

Шалацька, Г. М. (2017). Motivational expediency of using Internet resources during teaching English to students programmers. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 50, 317–325.


