Formation of subject competence of future philologists of pedagogical universities in the study of Latin


  • Тетяна Михайлівна Мішеніна Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"



subject competence, future philologists, pedagogical institute, subject- oriented training


Mishenina T. M. Formation of subject competence of future philologists of pedagogical universities in the study of Latin.

The paper developed a system of tasks aimed at the formation of the subject competence of future philologists in the process of studying Latin in pedagogical institutes. The principle of inter-disciplinary approach allows to build subject-oriented learning strategy not only on the basis of actual psycho-pedagogical, philological training of students of philology, but also on the basis of interdisciplinary units of objects of knowledge that characterize his mental activity in the process of solving practical tasks related to the training.


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How to Cite

Мішеніна, Т. М. (2015). Formation of subject competence of future philologists of pedagogical universities in the study of Latin. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 91–98.



Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy