Тhe educational impact of information technology on personal development of pupils


  • Марина Коваль




information and communication technologies, training, skills, information technology, multimedia, electronic books


Koval M. M Тhe educational impact of information technology on personal development of pupils.

The article highlights the problem of preparing the younger generation to a full, productive life in the development of new level school using new information technologies
and their use in the educational process as a means to preserve the originality and uniqueness of every child ready for self-disclosure. The introduction of new information
technologies in the educational sector , education of the individual in the modern world of developing society with full access to information from unrestricted age characteristics is


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How to Cite

Коваль, М. (2015). Тhe educational impact of information technology on personal development of pupils. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 145–148. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v44i0.2668


