Content and process approach as the basis to implement effective interconnection of structural components of training the future teacher of technology


  • Наталія Волкова



structural components, content and process approach, the quality of education


Volkova N. V. Content and process approach as the basis to implement effective interconnection of structural components of training the future teacher of technology.

The article raises the question concerning the integrity of content and process aspects of educating and training future handicraft teachers. The author substantiates comprehensive characteristics of a modern project as a didactic means as for enhancing cognitive activity in the sphere of mastering the content of domain knowledge, forming common and specialized subject skills, developing students’ creativity.


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How to Cite

Волкова, Н. (2014). Content and process approach as the basis to implement effective interconnection of structural components of training the future teacher of technology. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 43, 10–16.



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