Features of classification of educational excursions from geography, that is used in the process of preparation of future teachers


  • Олена Ганчук




excursion, educational excursion, group work, cognitive activity


Ganchuk O. V. Features of classification of educational excursions from geography, that is used in the process of preparation of future teachers.

The article deals with different classifications of educational excursions. The author gives her own classification of educational tours, where types of excursions correlate with forms of group cognitive activity of students at every stage of their professional development.


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How to Cite

Ганчук, О. (2014). Features of classification of educational excursions from geography, that is used in the process of preparation of future teachers. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 43, 16–21. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v43i0.2720



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