Cloud ArcGIS Online as an innovative tool for developing geoinformation competence with future geography teachers


  • Ігор Холошин Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Ольга Бондаренко Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Олена Ганчук Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Катерина Шмельцер Kryvyi Rih Metallurgical Institute of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine



ArcGIS Online, cloud technologies, geoinformation competence, future geography teachers


The article dwells upon the scientifically relevant problem of using cloud-based GIS-technologies when training future geography teachers (based on ArcGIS Online application). The authors outline the basic principles for implementing ArcGIS Online in the educational process (interdisciplinary integration, the sequence of individualization in training, communicability, distance education and regional studies), and provide an example of an interactive map created with the help of the specified cloud GIS, since this kind of map is the most popular a form of research by geography students. In the article it is noted that integration of ArcGIS Online into the educational process allows the teacher to follow a clear pedagogical strategy, taking into account possible variants of its use (demonstration, direct mastering of GIS in
a computer class and independent work in an individual mode). Considering cloud GIS as a new stage in the development of geoinformational education, the authors emphasize their key benefits (round-the-clock access, work with GIS package in the cloud, the ability to use other maps as well as the creation of their own maps and web-applications) and disadvantages (monetization of services, underestimation of the GIS role in the curriculum of the higher school,
the lack of Ukrainian content, etc.).


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How to Cite

Холошин, І., Бондаренко, О., Ганчук, О., & Шмельцер, К. (2019). Cloud ArcGIS Online as an innovative tool for developing geoinformation competence with future geography teachers. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 52, 184–196.




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