Components and factors of forming the content of the educational course “Housekeeping” in the system of training a teacher of technologies


  • Олена Лихолат



technological education, content of education, factors, components of the content of education, principles of forming the content of education, an educational course «Housekeeping»


Lykholat H. V. Components and factors of forming the content of the educational course “Housekeeping” in the system of training a teacher of technologies.

The article exposes theoretical and practical aspects of the process of forming the content of the educational discipline “Housekeeping” in the system of training a teacher of technologies in specialty “Fundamentals of housekeeping”. The author offers approaches towards selecting components in the educational course and substantiates the reasonable introduction of separate educational modules into the content of the program.


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How to Cite

Лихолат, О. (2014). Components and factors of forming the content of the educational course “Housekeeping” in the system of training a teacher of technologies. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 43, 54–59.



Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy