Psycho-pedagogical bases of preparing of the future special technology teacher


  • Галина Журба



mental activity of students, teaching methods, interdisciplinary communication


Zhurba G. Р. Psycho-pedagogical bases of preparing of the future special technology teacher.

Under present conditions it can not be treated only as training students in forming a system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Forming the motivational sphere of students is done by understanding the target set, taking into account not only the students on the importance of the training material for the study of other topics of the course, but also for future professional activities, selection of interesting, attractive content for students, providing professional orientation of the content and more.


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How to Cite

Журба, Г. (2014). Psycho-pedagogical bases of preparing of the future special technology teacher. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 42, 282–286.


