Workbook as a didactic means of preparing future teachers to implement a differentiated approach in teaching younger students


  • Марина Юріївна Прокоф’єва Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences, Crimean Humanities University, Yalta



independent work of students, a workbook, the educational process


Prokofievа  M. Yu. Workbook as a didactic means of preparing future teachers to implement a differentiated approach in teaching younger students.

The workbook is an important subject-signicant learning tool that has received general acceptance from teachers and students. The workbook activities are specically designed and is reected in a certain logic. Using a workbook facilitates teacher lesson planning, allows to combine oral and written work, saves students from a large amount of mechanical work, and also promotes learning process individualization.


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Author Biography

Марина Юріївна Прокоф’єва, Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences, Crimean Humanities University, Yalta

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintаnt Professor, Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

Прокоф’єва, М. Ю. (2013). Workbook as a didactic means of preparing future teachers to implement a differentiated approach in teaching younger students. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 82–86.



Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy