Social and informative saturation as a condition for the effective organization of independent activities of future translators and ways to implement it


  • Світлана Анатоліївна Остапенко Kryvyi Rih Institute of Higher Education "Kremenchug University of Economics, Information Technology and Management"



social-informational satiety, self-directed educational activity, modern technologies, professional competence


Ostapenko S. A. Social and informative saturation as a condition for the effective organization of independent activities of future translators and ways to implement it.

The article deals with the notion of social-informational satiety, its influence on the students’ self-directed educational activity, evolution of modern and informational technologies application in educational process, describes forms and methods used in the process of future translators preparation


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Author Biography

Світлана Анатоліївна Остапенко, Kryvyi Rih Institute of Higher Education "Kremenchug University of Economics, Information Technology and Management"

Ostapenko S. A. Social and informative saturation as a condition for the effective organization of independent activities of future translators and ways to implement it.

The article deals with the notion of social-informational satiety, its influence on the students’ self-directed educational activity, evolution of modern and informational technologies application in educational process, describes forms and methods used in the process of future translators preparation


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How to Cite

Остапенко, С. А. (2013). Social and informative saturation as a condition for the effective organization of independent activities of future translators and ways to implement it. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 239–242.



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