Fundamental principles of the Kyiv School District existence during the period of 1833-1834. Decrees of the Emperor and Сirculars of the Minister of Public Education (based on the «Journal of the Ministry of National enlightenment»)


  • Ганна Олексіївна Кільова Administration of the President of Ukrain



the Ministry of Public Education, school district, decree, circular, trustee


Kilyova G. О. Fundamental principles of the Kyiv School District existence during the period of 1833-1834. Decrees of the Emperor and Сirculars of the Minister of Public Education (based on the «Journal of the Ministry of National enlightenment»).

The article considers the functioning of the Kiev school district and most relevant government documents in this regard that define its system. These include the decrees of the emperor, the orders of the Minister of Public Education, circulars of Kiev school district trustee. The main focus is on the first two ones, that formed the principles of the  school district, determined the main criteria of its development.


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Author Biography

Ганна Олексіївна Кільова, Administration of the President of Ukrain

Ph.D. (Philosophy Sciences), Deputy Head of the Office for Citizens' Appeals of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine


1. Рождественский С. В. Исторический обзор деятельности Министерства Народного Просвещения / С. В. Рождественский (1802–1902). – СПб., 1902.
2. Шевелев А. Н. Школа. Государство. Общество. Очерки социально-политической истории общего школьного образования в России второй половины XIX века / А. Н. Шевелев. – СПб., 2001.
3. Журнал министерства народного просвещения. – 1834. –No1, январь.
4. Журнал министерства народного просвещения. – 1834. – No 2, февраль.
5. .Журнал министерства народного просвещения. – 1834. – No 4, апрель.
6. Журнал министерства народного просвещения. – 1834. – No8, август.
7. Журнал министерства народного просвещения. – 1834. – No 7, июль.
8. Журнал министерства народного просвещения. – 1834. – No6, июнь.



How to Cite

Кільова, Г. О. (2013). Fundamental principles of the Kyiv School District existence during the period of 1833-1834. Decrees of the Emperor and Сirculars of the Minister of Public Education (based on the «Journal of the Ministry of National enlightenment»). Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 315–321.


