Comparative analysis of approaches to the concepts of definition «ability»


  • Павло Станіславович Чарченко Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University



abilities, personality, the features of abilities, activity effectiveness


Charchenko P. S. Comparative analysis of approaches to the concepts of definition «ability».

The article analyzes theoretical approaches to the definition of a concept «abilities», systematizes the views as for their development in the context of philosophy, psychology, pedagogics and sociology. The paper defines the features of abilities; substantiates the opinion that the results of their activity serves as a criterion for their evaluation and expression.


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Author Biography

Павло Станіславович Чарченко, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University



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How to Cite

Чарченко, П. С. (2013). Comparative analysis of approaches to the concepts of definition «ability». Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 366–369.


