Psychological approaches to the development of professional technical thinking of vocational school students


  • О. В. Тарасова Kryvyi Rih Technical University



professional thinking, technical thinking, technical creative activity, mining trade schools, educational problems of professional direction solving


Theoretical survey and analysis of scientific literature about professional thought developing in up-to-date psychology, psychological ad pedagogical fundamentals of mining trade schools students thinking are discussed and characterized in the article


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Author Biography

О. В. Тарасова, Kryvyi Rih Technical University

Candidate of Psychological Sciences (PhD)


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How to Cite

Тарасова, О. В. (2011). Psychological approaches to the development of professional technical thinking of vocational school students. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 32, 378–384.



Conditions and means of harmonization of intellectual and emotional aspects of p