To the problem of introduction of the special courses in professional preparation of teachers of fine art: history of author doll


  • L.V. Balyuk Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



author doll, folk trades, motive project


To the problem of introduction of the special courses in professional preparation of teachers of fine art: history of author doll as the mean of development of creative capabilities of students of artistically-graphic faculties. In the article, becoming author doll is examined as the considerable constituent of artistic creation of humanity. The analysts of evolutional development of author doll is interpreted as method of development of creative capabilities of students ofartisttcalfy-gruphic faculties.


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How to Cite

Balyuk, L. (2006). To the problem of introduction of the special courses in professional preparation of teachers of fine art: history of author doll. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 16(1), 20–29.