Abstract as a method of achieving harmony in the creation of educational composition in the system of art schools and schools of aesthetic education


  • V.V. Hrebenik Kryvyi Rih Children's School of Arts No.1




composition, abstraction, abstracting, integrity, geometrical figures


The problem of improvement of methods of teaching of educational composition at school of aesthetic education is examined in the article. An author pulls out the hypothesis оf possibility of the use of abstract forms for achievement of harmonious variants of composition andforming of the whole seeing at children on the most first stages of teaching.


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How to Cite

Hrebenik, V. (2006). Abstract as a method of achieving harmony in the creation of educational composition in the system of art schools and schools of aesthetic education. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 16(1), 134–141. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.6083